Thursday, February 20, 2020

'Gendered' realm' of international politics Article

'Gendered' realm' of international politics - Article Example There are circumstances that can make a woman feel like her sex is a trap of sorts, an anchor that weighs her down, and a chain that is like a tether which determines the circumference of how far she can go. The traditional mindset has clear guidelines of what the two sexes can and are meant to do. A man has the image of the leader, right from the home where he is the breadwinner and the head of the house (Tickner & Sjosburg, 2007 ) . This role playing is cast further afield to the institutions that run our societies; the man is considered to be the natural leader and the woman is the assistant. In what position does this leave the woman in these supposedly modern times where the force of modern liberation has 'opened' up opportunities for women in leadership' Are men and women on an equal platform when it comes to leadership opportunities, especially' The question of gender equity is all pervasive; it is not limited to certain aspects of life or work. The momentum has been gathering on the struggle for equal opportunities for women as there are for men. ... International politics is indeed a gender realm because there are still clich'd and stereotypical views on the role that women are meant to play in society. The acceptance of women being capable leaders has only gotten impetus in recent years (Ticker & Sjosburg, 2007). What are the indicators that international politics is a gender issue, how many female leaders are actively involved in international politics, what view do men and women themselves hold concerning the role that the latter play in international politics' Answering these questions will facilitate the understanding how international politics is a 'gendered realm'. Feminist theories on international relations International relations is defined by Halliday (1995) as being the study of the what constitutes the international system in terms of foreign affairs and interregional concerns, which are directed and seen to by heads of states, inter-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and multinational corporations. Feminist international relations theory tries to analyze what the traditional role of women has been in international politics (Halliday, 1995). Feminists have advanced several theories as to why women have so far played such a small role in international affairs. These theories are diverse. When Enloe asks 'where are the women'' (Enloe, 2000) it is in a half ironic manner, because unlike her predecessors she acknowledges that there are women who play a part in international relations: as wives, secretaries, sex workers or even poster girls. But the role played by these women is one that is considered so minor it is no t worth noting. For too long, the women have remained stuck in these positions, watching from the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Philosophy Of Aesthetics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Philosophy Of Aesthetics - Article Example To some, aesthetics is thought to be a study of critical language, or criticism of works of art. In critiquing works of art, it is suggested that a better question than 'Is it Art' would be 'Is it important' or 'Does it matter' (Burke, et al. 1993). According to An Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "criticism, and aesthetics, involve a sort of arduous thinking that isn't usually asked of people, and is produced normally only by artists . . .". The values irrevocably linked to works of art, as well as the choices that have to be made (Burke, et al. 1993) help us to understand how works of art travel through time to reach our eyes and ears. Understanding the values creates more understanding about the choices that have been made in the art's history. A painting by Rembrandt may be set aside or even discarded if it doesn't measure up to the values of the artist's body of work, or the times in which they are shown. Once that choice is made, the history of the artwork changes completely. Values are also about the 'norms', implied or not, of the art world. As in any part of human endeavor, trying to achieve the norm, the standard, often becomes only successful in achieving mediocrity. Values are the guidelines that great works of art must step outside to achieve greatness. ... History has watched art that has found great popularity and success become invisible when it becomes the 'norm' or is standardized. It becomes wallpaper. So what makes art last Is it beauty What is beauty In Webster's dictionary, aesthetic is defined as an appreciation of beauty. It is the only definition of aesthetic. In philosophy, aesthetic has no definition, only description., many descriptions. As for beauty, it is, of course, in the eye of the beholder. But this does not stop critics from deciding what is beautiful and what is not, which helps some to feel the security of those boundaries, while infuriating others who are imprisoned by them. For who hasn't stood at a window on a gray, rainy day and appreciated the dim, dreary landscape as beautiful in its way Yet there are many who will look out the window and simply say, "I don't like rain." Interpretation of art is different from evaluation, critique and judgements. Interpretation involves explanations of things that are not obvious to the viewer, or listener. Evaluation is more objective and might be thought of as having more to do with the actual piece of art and its explicit components. Critique and judgements are the defining remarks that are based on many factors, which include interpretation, evaluation, personal taste, historical reference, and many others. A tertiary conversation within the realm of aesthetic philosophy is the question 'Is Art Dead', Rosenstein (2002) puts forward the idea that not art but art theory is dead. The pallbearer has been brought to the art scene many times before and been disappointed to find it still breathing. Art is not dead but there are eras that are so lacking in originality that they